These are just some of the welding codes you can get qualified to. Let Arc + Flame help you make the most of your qualification program. From pre-qualified welding to procedure qualification, we can aid you in maximizing your testing budget.
Not quite sure you are ready for the Exam? Our staff will review your welding skills and advise you before you schedule your exam. If you are in need of additional training or practice, we'll let you know. Think you are ready? Check our listing below for commonly specified tests. If you don't see what you are looking for, contact our Director of Welding at:
- AWS D1.1 “Structural Welding Code- Steel”
- AWS D1.2 “Structural Welding Code- Aluminum”
- AWS D1.3 “Structural Welding Code- Sheet Steel”
- AWS D1.4 “Structural Welding Code- Reinforcing Steel”
- AWS D1.5 “Bridge Welding Code”
- AWS D1.6 “Structural Welding Code- Stainless Steel”
- AWS D10.9 “Standard Qualification of Welding Procedures and Welders for Piping and Tubing”
- AWS D17.1 “Specification For Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications”
- API 1104 “Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities”
- ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
- NYSDOT Prep Course (must take NYSDOT test separate)
- I-Car Steel or Aluminum preparation course