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community mcc mcc president monroe community college new york president report rocafc rochester rochester arc and flame center upstate ny

Executive Director featured in MCC President's Report!

By The RocAFC Crew

Executive Director Michael Krupnicki featured in MCC President's Report to the Community! View the full article on page 8 of the PDF:    

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blacksmithing glass Grand Opening rocafc rochester Rochester Arc & Flame Center welding YNN

YNN Covers Rochester Arc & Flame Center

By The RocAFC Crew

Click on the thumbnail to see the full article and video:

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blacksmithing business glass rbj rocafc rocehster welding rochester rochester arc & flame center rochester arc and flame center rochester business journal

Rochester Business Journal covers RocAFC Grand Opening

By The RocAFC Crew

Click the thumbnail to see our article in the Rochester Business Journal:    

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arc and flame center blacksmith classes blacksmith rochester blacksmith training blacksmithing classes fingerlakes glass flame glass glass art rochester glass training grand opening Mahany official opening rocafc rocafc opening rocehster afc Rochester Rochester Arc & Flame Center

RocAFC Grand Opening!

By The RocAFC Crew

Ready at last! Join us as we unveil to our community the Rochester Arc & Flame Center (RocAFC).  Come see the only facility of its...

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arc arc and flame center blacksmith classes blacksmith rochester blacksmith training blacksmithing classes fingerlakes glass flame glass art rochester glass training Mahany mahany weld rocafc rocehster afc Rochester Rochester Arc & Flame Center rochester arc and flame center rochester blacksmith rochester glass rochester training rochester welder rochester welding school training welder training welding welding art welding class

Construction Progress

By The RocAFC Crew

The RocAFC construction is complete! Updated construction pictures will come soon. Arc & Flame Staff will now prepare for the public grand opening on January...

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arc arc and flame center blacksmith classes blacksmith rochester blacksmith training blacksmithing classes fingerlakes glass flame glass glass art rochester glass training Mahany mahany weld rafc rocafc rocehster afc Rochester

New Construction Updates!


It's almost ready! The Rochester Arc & Flame construction is winding down and should be completed in the next week. Excitement is building...Our Grand Opening...

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arc and flame center blacksmith training blacksmithing classes glass training rocafc RocAFC Rochester Rochester Arc & Flame Center rochester arc and flame center rochester training rochester welders rochester welding school training welder training welding welding art welding class

When Sparks Fly....


Ah, the day after Thanksgiving. Most of you are probably recovering from eating copious amounts of turkey and midnight shopping. We figured this stunning picture...

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