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arc arc and flame center blacksmith classes blacksmith rochester blacksmith training blacksmithing classes fingerlakes glass flame glass glass art rochester glass training Mahany mahany weld rafc rocafc rocehster afc Rochester

New Construction Updates!


It's almost ready! The Rochester Arc & Flame construction is winding down and should be completed in the next week. Excitement is building...Our Grand Opening...

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arc arc and flame center blacksmith classes blacksmith rochester blacksmith training blacksmithing fingerlakes glass flame glass glass art rochester glass training Mahany mahany weld rafc rocafc rocehster afc Rochester Arc & Flame Center rochester blacksmith rochester glass rochester welder training welder training welding

Welcome to ROCAFC


Congratulations! You've discovered the Rochester Arc & Flame Center! We are the only training facility in upstate New York to offer recreational and professional classes...

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